The Difference Between the “Three P’s” – Public Relations, Publicity and Press Releases

It’s commonly assumed that PR means “press release” but this is misleading and frankly, not true. “PR does not = Press Release” although, press releases are directly related to PR. Often people are unsure of what PR, publicity and press releases really are. They are all related but each is different and has its own function which works symbiotically with the others.

PR is actually an abbreviation for public relations. Press releases are a part of public relations and they generate publicity but they are not PR (they are a part of PR). At the same time, press releases may generate good public relations.

Are you getting confused yet? Let’s simplify this by taking a quick look at the definitions of each provided by the Wictionary (a great, open source dictionary) and Websters Dictionary (my hard copy favorite).

By definition, Public Relations is communication by a person or an organization with the purpose of creating a favorable public image; commonly referred to as PR.

So, in essence, Public Relations are really the strategies surrounding your overall business presence and message. PR is the foundation that allows you to be ready for publicity when it comes your way it’s your core message, business values and image. While any form of communication can be considered public relations including newsletters, ezines, letters, blog posts and yes, press releases, they must all be a part of a much bigger PR strategy.).

Publicity is what is generated by public relations. By definition, Publicity is an act or device designed to attract public interest, specifically information with news value issues as a means of gaining public attention or support.

When you create public relations (communications) it can generate publicity (public attention). Generally the goal of publicity is to gain UNPAID media exposure including ink (print exposure) and air (broadcast mentions), increase word of mouth and get more clients. Publicity is golden to your business because third party endorsements are more believable than paid ads.

By definition a Press Release is an official written statement that is sent to the media so that it can be publicized (although press releases are not crafted just for the media anymore).

Press releases are often referred to as news releases. They are essentially one in the same. However, the term “News release” can be used when the release is not intended solely for media distribution. For example: Online distribution of your news is a no-cost to low-cost way to establish credibility, help customers find you online and increase your online search engine rankings. So, the goal may not be mainstream media attention when you submit online and it would be appropriate to use the term “news release” instead. Either way is perfectly acceptable.

Basically press releases are both a public relations and publicity tool depending on your overall strategy.

Does your business have the three P’s (public relations, publicity and press releases) covered?

1) Do you have an overall Public Relations Strategy that defines your brand, how you want people to perceive you and what you want to accomplish in the way of publicity?

2) Do you create public relations materials to earn publicity based on a specific overall strategy?

3) Do you share your news via press releases, strategically in accordance to your overall PR plan?

If not, it may be time to start focusing on your P’s

P.S. When writing this article I was looking for a great example to share from an article I had once seen in Readers Digest- thanks to Shannon Cherry ( a fellow PR pro) for posting this excerpt on her blog.

“If the circus is coming to town and you paint a sign saying “Circus Coming to the Fairground Saturday'” that’s advertising. If you put the sign on the back of an elephant and walk it into town, that’s promotion. If the elephant walks through the mayor’s flower bed, that’s publicity. And if you get the mayor to laugh about it, that’s public relations.

If the town’s citizens go the circus, you show them the many entertainment booths, explain how much fun they’ll have spending money at the booths, answer their questions and ultimately, they spend a lot at the circus, that’s sales.”

– Reader’s Digest, “Promoting Issues and Ideas” by M. Booth and Associates, Inc.

What are your favorite PR strategies? Do you have a PR plan?

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Exploring Public Relations

Since the dawn of civilization, the children of Adam and Eve have had the art of developing relations. Right from individuals to the nations, the significance of being interlinked and connected has been deeply understood. We, the human beings, are truly ‘the social animals’. No doubt, change is inevitable. From tribal men to Cyber Souls, a lot of things including cultures, religions, choices of dresses and foods, ways of living and the communication skills have been changed so far. Nothing in the world remains constant, but only the change itself. Individuals as well as nations have their own needs and interests. From a consumer to producer, the world of needs and interests need to be well protected and well promoted. The best way to be more civilized is to be more advanced in public relations.

Public Relations (PR) is a kind of ”promotion intended to create goodwill for a person or institution.” (Word Net Web) Like all other fields, the World Wide Web has also digitalized Public Relations. Just with some electronic clicks, the relations are getting worst on one hand; and the best on the other. In present era when the scenarios are changing so rapidly, the field of Public Relations has also become very fast. In such speedy competitive environment, it has become challenging both for the persons and the organizations to maintain their goodwill the way it is meant to be. No matter what it takes to build the image, efforts are being made; policies are being drafted. Gone are the days when we had plenty of time to build our image. Now, it is happening in micro seconds and beyond. The process of image building is being painted on the canvass of tiny bits and megabytes.

The inhabitants of ‘Global Village’ are sharing their views and news online. The impact of being online for a purpose remains afresh at offline mode. The relations are being created and destroyed with a furious speed. It becomes hard, sometimes, to slow down the ongoing process of public relations. It is worth mentioning that speed, for some persons and institutions, is exploring new vistas both in productive and non-productive way. It depends upon the ‘Men behind the Gun’ i.e. the Public Relation Officers to combat the speed with a big hope to cope it professionally. Those persons, institutions and organizations, who have planned their public relation programs well, shall proudly survive in the years to come. On the other hand, those who are unaware of the ‘Need for Speed, to tailor their relations’ shall be left behind helpless and miserable.

Having learnt a few precious lessons from World War I and II, the advanced countries have become teachers and preachers for having public relations among all governments. Without having defined the boundaries and limits of future relations, the persons as well as nations suffer a lot. Surely, we cannot afford another war of such a terrible volume of destructions. Any single clash might lead the nations into a catastrophic situation once again. The Global Image Building of Mankind is all that we need.

Whatever the nature of relationship is, one thing remains common i.e. seeking attention. It is a must in the relations that our status be set as ‘available’ all the time. Any sort of sheer carelessness would spoil the beauty and pollute the ponds of mutual understanding. As a result, the devastating elements would crush the innocence of constructive thoughts. This is the lesson that we learnt from World War II.

Individuals depart and nations fight when certain issues remain un-attended when they were demanding ‘Intensive Care’. A product loses its image if not advertised attentively. A driver may crash the car being unaware of the intensity of attention that is needed on the road. Likewise, public relations professionals need to know the ingredients required to cook the food of marvelous taste. In terms of professionalism, there are three things obligatory in hitting the target accurately:

– First, we need to point the gun in a right direction;

– Secondly, we need to control the rate of breaths; and

– Finally we need to hit the target with a confidence of hitting it accurately.

Same is the case in public relations. In public relations, the story starts from a mission statement; it becomes a mission; the mission is accomplished. More expert the professionals, better the public relations. All we need to do is to value the values of all without any criminal intention but a gesture of friendly attention. Products or producers, consumptions or consumers and above all; living souls or life itself demand for the advocacy and propagation of Global Public Relations all around the world so that the human civilization could be made exemplary for all other creatures, seen or un-seen.

Farooq Hussain Shah is Director Creative &

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